Saturday, August 29, 2009

Binky Fairy

ryan and i have been meaning to take elizabeth's binky away from her for a while now, but we are both pushovers and haven't, until finally decided it was time.
elizabeth LOVES her binky...she always has one in her mouth, and she stashes them all around the house. ryan and i didn't think this task was going to be easy...
we sat her down and told her all about the 'binky fairy'. the binky fairy needs big girls that don't need their binky's anymore to give them to the fairy so that she can take them to little babies that are crying to help them be happy. elizabeth wanted to be a big girl and help the babies to not cry anymore, so we gave her a little bag and she went around the house and collected all her binkies. then we put the bag on the front porch for the binky fairy.
a bit later the door bell rang, when elizabeth opened the door there was a present from the binky fairy to elizabeth for being such a big girl.
elizabeth has done so well and we are so proud of her, and the few times that she has asked about her binky, i remind her about the babies that really need them, and she say 'elizabeth is a big girl and doesn't need a binky'.

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