Monday, January 31, 2011

36 Weeks Pregnant

i made it to 36 weeks! yes, i know what your thinking, 'she is still pregnant?!' haha, i think by far, the most common craving I have as a pregnant woman this month, is not to be pregnant anymore, lol.
no, i really do love being pregnant, but can't wait to have this last month be over and done with and have a little baby here to coo over and cuddle with!


EmyLee McIntyre said...

you are such a cute preggers! i miss you!

Jen said...

Look at that darling belly!!! I'm glad you got my blog again, I was hoping to see you at Dr. Reese's office. I'll be there on Valentines Day for Lexie's 4 month appointment at 1:50 - come see me!! :)

Cleverly Triple said...

VERY VERY cute janie! can't wait to meet that adorable baby!

and your new blog background and font is so cute!