Sunday, December 28, 2008

Penaten Cream...maybe we should get rid of it.

December 28, 2008
elizabeth loves lotion...or anything she thinks would be fun to put on her face. we have this german penaten cream, it's used for bad diaper rashes.
elizabeth can't seem to get enough of it.
our reactions to her getting into this cream:
first time getting into it...cute
second time getting into it...funny
third time getting into it...elizabeth jeanne! you are in big trouble!
yeah, that third time was a mess, not only was it in her hair, it was all over her room, bed, toys, clothes, walls, doors, and the carpet. it's nice having a doctor as a brother, so i gave him a ring and he looked it up for me. he said "oh i found something that will get it out...shaving cream and a razor". adam can be so funny... we did find something though. we ended up having to use vinegar and a good dish soap...why dish soap you ask, because it breaks down grease and oil. she had gray hair for a couple days till it all came out.
now i know your asking yourself, 'what kind of parents are the rodgers, not even watching their daughter'. i wil tell you this...when it doubt blame it on your spouse :) no really though, i was sleeping, and ryan was distracted playing his guitar hero...all i have to say is, you can't win them all.


Jungle MOM said...

All I can say is, *GASP!!!!*

WEmily said...

Cracks me up - only because I didn't have to clean it up.

Cleverly Triple said...

LOL! such a cute little stinker! did holly collage your pictures or did you? they look great.

Anonymous said...

Hello there, this page helped me out lots! my daughter looked just like urs! i used the dish soap in her hair and it worked a bit, it is still grey tho! lol thanks soo much for ur posting this! saved my life

julie said...

thanks for the did my daughter really do a jog on herself and everything around her.